I coach a lot of clients about the Law of Attraction βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’«  and have for over 20 years.  Doesn’t matter what they come to me for, they are dealing with one or two or all three of these issues:

  1. Feeling unworthy and not good enough

  2. Feeling stuck and powerless

  3. Feeling they have to work hard, life is hard, love is hard, health is hard, work is hard…it’s a grind and hard and they can’t get to the bottom of it ever

In time, most also inevitably bring up body weight.  Not every client but most.  Some come to me immediately for that as their primary concern/struggle, for others it comes out in time.

I’ve noticed that many people struggling with their weight dissociate when they eat.  That’s a fancy Psych word which means they are out of their body.  They are not present.

It came to me in meditation that even though I’ve been obsessed with the Law of Attraction βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’« since I was five and teaching, coaching and writing about it for over 20 years, I had a dissociative experience about 7 years ago which is not unlike what some of my coaching clients who are working with their body weight deal with.

I can be there now.  I was at an event for a company I had just joined to sell some good healthy products I loved, used and believed in.  The person was speaking to a group of us in her home and my inner being (highest most authentic part of me, Taylor 6.0) was like β€œRun for the hills!  Get out of here!  This is not your path!”  (When you’re inner being is speaking to you and you listen, it will like the pieces of a puzzle are clicking together.)

It felt pretty bad, like massive anxiety and fight or flight flying through my body.  Emotions are a great thing!  They show us what our perspectives and beliefs are. And we can change our perspectives and beliefs!  Emotions are a good thing to note - and listen to.  πŸ˜‰

Back to the story.  After the event I told my friend who had been speaking how I had felt.  Her take was that it was my β€œego” since I was used to be up in front of everyone at my yoga studios and that night she had been up in front of everyone, so I felt uncomfortable.  I should just ignore that, she told me.

I’ve been doing this Law of Attraction βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’« work for a long time so one would think LOL πŸ˜‚ that I would have been like, β€œThank you but that is not my truth/perspective/belief. You are allowed to have your truth/perspective/belief and that’s cool, and here’s mine. That wasn’t ego, it was my inner being giving me guidance and I am going to follow that. Thank you and I’m outta here.”

But.  I didn’t.

We had bills to pay.  That distracted me from my broader perspective, my broader knowing.  From listening to my inner being and trusting.  The currency with which you pay for your manifestation/miracle is belief.

Prior to this, I had learned to follow my heart re. what I did for my work. I had not been coming to what I did from a place of wanting to make money but from a place of sheer inspiration, and the money followed. But a material need in my family of 7 had created this response which was not authentic to who I really was/am (ever been there?  There now?).  So I pushed down the energy and guidance and ultimate wisdom of my inner being and I plodded ahead.

Here’s where the dissociation comes in.  I never ever ever felt the negative feelings that my teams felt when doing reach outs.  Now I know why.  I was dissociated. I shut it all down.

Our minds dissociate when we feel traumatized. It’s a mechanism of defense.  Don’t be hard on yourself when you do so.  You’re doing the best you can.

Moral of the story?  It’s all right.  It’s ok if you have been or are now dissociating.  You have been and are doing the best you can and beating up on yourself for being where you are will not help.  That is not connection with your inner being. That is connection with your inner critic.

Just start over right now in this moment and be as present as you can be moving forward and tune into your feelings, and trust, honor and follow them.  Your inner being lever looks back. When you feel like your hand is on a hot stove, take it off!  You have permission to stop the struggle.  I did, and so can you.

I believe in you. πŸŒˆπŸ’«β€οΈπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»
