2023 is all about sustained vibrational alignment.  With sustained vibrational alignment you will be calibrated to all your heart’s desires.

What I see most people wanting in my Law of Attraction βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’« Coaching is:  ease and more abundance (in whatever form they are choosing at the moment - good energy, health, love, money, time, etc - listed alphabetically).

As always, at the root of ease and abundance is your vibration - calibrating to the vibration that attracts these things.  Said another way, tuning your tuner to the stations broadcasting ease and abundance.  Said another way (oh my goodness, so many words), calibrating to that which you want.

When you tune your vibration or frequency and practice that frequency (sustained vibrational alignment or frequency) your reality must align with the experience of that frequency.  It’s not personal, it’s law.  The Law of Attraction βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’«  No exceptions. You are not the exception to the rule.

So once again (the formula is always the same, and isn’t that nice?) the key to manifesting anything and everything you want is…drumroll please…alignment to that which you are seeking.  Also called calibration to that which you are seeking.  Said yet another way:  Embodying the feelings of that which you want.

Wouldn’t you agree that the reason you want that person, place or thing is because of how you think it will make you feel?  If yes, read on.  If no, All good! ❀   Everyone is allowed their perspectives and beliefs.  If you do believe that the reason you want what you want is because of how it will make you feel then how about feeling that now?  Then, by law, it must come to you in the physical reality in the form of people, places and things.  Most people are putting the cart before the horse (β€œGive me that thing, Taylor, and THEN I will feel the feeling.”)

How can you tell how well you’re calibrating?  How can you know if you’re experiencing sustained vibrational alignment?  Reality.  See what is unfolding.  Reality never lies.

If your reality is not what you would like, if your manifestations are not showing up, if you are feeling stuck and powerless, if you are feeling unworthy and not good enough…if you are feeling like you are effort-ing a lot . . . look to what you are calibrating - where you are tuning.  And begin adjusting from there, one thought at at time.

I believe in you. πŸŒˆπŸ’«β€οΈπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ»
