Monday September 7, 2020



Similar to how a GPS guides you from where you are to where you want to go, the Universe does the same. But are you listening?🤔🤔 Are you allowing the guidance in and acting on the inspiration? 🧘‍♀️🙏🏻🌈Because that is how it will come my friends. You will be inspired to do something. Not motivated...Inspired.💫✨🌟 You will not have to force yourself to do it. It will feel fun and light and easy and like wild horses can’t keep you from doing it. That is inspired action. 

For various reasons we often have been trained away from our internal guidance system. So we push and we force and we suffer and we try hard, we try so hard … and then we get tired. We get tired and we get bitter. We develop a chip on our shoulder. Tired of pushing tired of feeling lost and rejected and confused. And that chip gets bigger and before we know it it is directing the way we are in the world, and we are completely unaware of it. We have lost touch with our internal guidance system. 

The great news is you are one breath away from reconnecting to it. Slow down. Breathe. Reconnect. Find your alignment. And then my friends begin again. It’s never too late to begin again.💫✨🌟🙏🏻🌈😊








